Here’s how you can restart the Windows Explorer / File Explorer with the Task Manager in Windows 10: The first thing to try is restarting the Windows Explorer / File Explorer. Method 1: Automatically restart the Windows Explorer in the Task Manager We’ve compiled a great number of solutions to help you no matter what causes the Windows Explorer to behave in a faulty way. We’ve identified most of the possible causes for this problem, and now it’s time to fix your Windows Explorer. There are many general troubleshooting options listed below to help you fix system-level issues. Sometimes your system files can cause the Windows Explorer to stop responding or opening. Make some space following our tips below. If your system drive is full, the Windows Explorer may not be able to function as intended. There's no available space on your system drive.If you’re running an older version of Windows 10, don’t rule out the possibility of updating to the latest release. While it may bring some annoyances in the form of new bugs, it also patches up many existing issues and security holes. The Windows 10 version you're using is out of date.

If you’ve recently changed the settings or allowed an application to change them, reverting is the best option. Users report that changes to display settings such as the font size can cause Windows Explorer to break. You can find out how to clear the File Explorer history below. There’s a possibility that your File Explorer history is clogged and it’s causing the Windows Explorer to behave incorrectly.

When the Windows Explorer is not responding, frozen, or won’t open, you will run into many frustrating problems while trying to use your computer. It allows you to see, access, and manage all the files residing on your device. The Windows Explorer is your primary way of navigating your system.